CAM's End Statement from the Summit Spring 2008

“Because of CAM International there will be…

Among Spanish-speaking people worldwide

a growing number of biblically mature believers

who make disciples globally.”



Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Cindy's Crafts

Cindy Spaugh serves with CAM in Guatemala with her husband Ken. Below are some pictures of her crafts that she does and that she teaches to the women as an outreach

She writes, "My first quilt was a jean quilt for our son Kyle. (I want to make a large quilt for each of our four children.) I made a small lap quilt for daughter Jayme (called a 'topper'). Right now I am hand quilting my third large quilt - a Queen size, 'whole cloth' quilt for Erin and Scott (daughter and son-in-law). I designed the quilt, drew the design on the fabric and am now in the process of hand quilting it, hoping to have it done in time for Christmas. Here is a picture of the hand appliquéd quilt (again Queen size) that I made for our son Drew and his wife Rachel (my second quilt)."

Cross Stitched: Bag Ladies

I have done many cross-stitch pictures, and for years, gave them away as presents. The last few things I've done, I decided that I wanted to make them for my house. I like to use either 18 or 22 count fabric, because it makes the picture look more like a painting instead of cross-stitch.

Crochet. Within the last year, I have made several baby bonnets and matching bib sets to sell to help Alfa y Omega in Patzún.

Temari Balls: I started making Temari balls (a Japanese art) last year. They are made with Styrofoam balls, covered with at least 250 yards of regular sewing thread, then with thicker embroidery thread (what the Guatemalan's use on their quipiles) a design is embroidered on it. They are not made with ribbon, although some look like ribbon. So far I've made about 20 of them, but have given most of them away as presents.

For about 10 years, I have gone to a 'neighborhood' craft group once a week - to get to know other women and be able to do' friendship evangelism'. Over the years, the women have done many different projects. (One of the women was saved about 2 years ago. It's great to see her grow in the Lord. She's like a sponge! Her husband just recently began attending a Bible Study, because he wants to know more about the God that has changed her life.) A year and a half ago, I started going to a crochet group each week also. Again the purpose is to be with women to be able to witness to them."

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Card Stamping in Guatemala

Several weeks ago, I invited the CAM missionary ladies over to my house for the afternoon to make some homemade cards. I have been graciously given some stamping supplies, card stock, half completed cards, stamps, ink and even paper by several ladies in the states. These stamping friends of mine have blessed me and I wanted to bless my CAM missionary community. Pictured below is Jayme Spaugh who joined us.

Cindy Spaugh and Jenny Adams enjoying an afternoon of creativity.

We had 2 works stations going on where we could stamp, cut and paste.

Elisa Sywulka

Jenny Adams

It was a fun afternoon of learning new techniques and sharing our creativity. We decided to do this again in October and/or November and concentrate on Christmas Cards.

Missionaries are constantly needing to correspond with those who pray and financially support them. And what better way to show appreciation than to create a card.

It is all in the aspect of layering. I have handy a glue stick to use to layer the different shapes and tags that go on to the card. I have used chalk, pens, pencils and markers to highlight the coloring on each card. Different scissors can be used to add uniqueness to the card. I’ve even used torn paper to enhance the card.

Embellishment is also a key aspect of decorating each card. My favorite is using eyelets or brads. Bows and ribbons can add dimension to each card. I’ve gone to Home Depot to purchase window stripping that I use to encase and “bring out” objects on the card. Wires can be used as embellishment too.


Judy Stewart

CAM Missionary in Guatemala

Friday, August 1, 2008

The Dog written by Alan McManus

Anyone who has visited us here in San Juan del Río has met "the dog." Peanut is an interesting animal and while we're not what I would call dog-lovers or even pet-lovers, we enjoy the reactions that different guests have towards Peanut. Some are quite enchanted by her which surprises us.

A long time ago (she's now 3 years old) we tried to figure out what breed of dog she is and we came to the conclusion that she is a Australian Dingo which is an official, domesticated breed in Australia.

Yesterday, one of our current work team guests commented that he thought she was a "Blue Heeler." What's that? I didn't know but a quick Internet search revealed that this breed has several names and the most commonly used for all those names is Australian Cattle Dog (or ACD for short). Of course, I wouldn't expect Peanut to be a pure breed of any type but it's clear she has many of the ACD traits. She also has Dingo traits. Turns out ACDs are a mix of Dingo, Dalmation, Bull Terrier, and all of those were mixed in the late 1800's in Australia with some original dog that just didn't have all the elements to make it a good cattle herder. Today, this breed is excellent for herding cattle and sheep and when encouraged, makes a great watch dog. This is what we're thankful for in Peanut.

If you've met Peanut and found an interest in this unique animal, you might enjoy reading what Wikipedia has to say about the ACD breed:

Just last week Cameron watched Peanut react to the man who entered our patio (Peanut's domain for sure) in order to put a ladder up to the roof to refill our LP tank. She followed him low to the ground and nipped at his heels. Wow...that's really cool! I think she really is an Australian Cattle Dog! Fortunately, we were able to rescue the gas man and he's happily enjoying corn tortillas in some other pasture today. Peanut is waiting for his return though...ACDs need a job to do and I'm sure she thinks he is one of her many chores!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Illustrations by Angie Wallace

Angie and her husband Marc live in Richvale, California and are appointees with CAM to the Hispanic USA field. Angie is also an RN.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Midsummernight Dream by Rod Fry

Walking on a time line, between dimensions

Of light and space, a wheel of colors

Spinning around, a mirrored reflection

In a sea of glass and memory.

A bright, dark sky with soft clouds

Floating by, headed who knows where,

Bright stars shout out loud

As night becomes day, or so it seems.

As thoughts so dark and deep and clear

Such that I cannot fully express

Bombard my mind, a mix of fondness and fear,

Impressions, feelings, hopes, dreams.

As the passing years become as days

All strung out like a pattern repeated,

Conceived, designed, fashioned, replayed

Over and over and over again.

I sit myself down in a quiet enough place,

As I've done before, to peer into the night

To examine, refine, reject, and replace

This swirling of faces, ideas, beliefs.

I am alone, and I feel all the pain

Of living with so many questions.

How in the world will I ever regain

A conscience complete, a soul satisfied?

I've traveled far, and I bear the scars

Of too many unanswered pleas.

Is it too early to finish, too late to start...

Experiencing what I say I believe?

The clouds run away, and I hear the wind say

As it rustles and whistles my name,

That I just have to wait, there will come a day,

When all that is dark will be clear.

I will seek, then, to live what I know and believe,

Content not to know the whole plan;

Seeking to love those You've given to me,

Staking my life on the vows You have made.

Run 'cross the sky, clouds fringed with silver

Reflecting the light of the moon.

I will seek the Sun; the light that delivers

My soul from its twilight fears.

Rod with his wife Mayra and their 3 children serve in Mexico City, Mexico

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Art Expressions from Cheryl White

5 Loaves 2 Fish

Wedding at Cana

A word from Cheryl about her artwork.

I love sharing my art with people.

I’m doing a series of 12 banners for our church this summer, one a week on the parables. The church has paid me for all my supplies I turn in receipts for, but I’m donating my time as a way to serve this summer. My prayer is that a lot of people will like the banners and commission me to do personal paintings for them and that this will eventually become a source of extra income for our family. Please join me.

Thank you for your encouragement and your interest in my art.

This is something that God has brought about, not me. I have never had a formal art from a real artist or any college level or high school level courses in art. Everything I have learned has been from researching, watching others, going to community workshops, painting for theaters, and borrowing books from the library. I just know I was made to do this and I am so thankful God has dropped opportunities in my lap for me to paint, and paint for Him.

Cheryl's husband is Duke White who is Director of Field Ministries at CAM International. They and their two children live in Corinth, Texas.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Another Poem by Rolland Smith


Most CAMex missionaries do not lack when it comes to ambition

For our goal is to fulfill the Lord’s Great Commission.

God’s answer is found in being “one”

If we are to see the work well done.

He continues to speak as He says:

“It would be great to see my children cooperate.”

That the world may know what the gospel is about

We must be ready to show our unity to a lost and dying community.

Some missionaries say, “Together we will serve,

If only we had access to that thing called MERV.

Excuses like that don’t help us unite;

So away with that mockery-Let’s walk in His light!

Jesus is coming again soon. Do we see the sinner’s fate?

There is a time limit. God has set the date.

We will be effective in reaching this nation

Only when we can be counted on by our cooperation.

Wouldn’t it be grand for the world to see

what the Lord can do thru you and me?

We feel the weight of responsibility, we dare not shirk;

This is all the more reason we need team work.

First, we are to model “oneness”. All eyes are watching us.

We are under the gun.

Who said this couldn’t be accomplished?

We’re now having fun!!

This being “tight” in our fellowship is contagious, you know.

The Mexican brethren can see we are actually beginning to grow!

It is true we are one flock, so let’s serve together.

Do this in His might.

Be sensitive to one another;

That’s only right.

One day we will stand before our Lord.

Our desire is to hear Him say:

“Servant, well done.”

We will cooperate together in the race that we run!

Poetry by Rolland Smith Mexico

A Tale of the City

Mexico City with all of its flare
Its glamour and glitter---everything’s there!
Day into night and night into day
‘Til nerves are on edge and ready to fray!

If someone should ask me, “Why are you here?”
That’s a good question; the answer is clear.
Our Savior has called us to live in the smog
And help them escape sin like a bog.

Religion and night clubs abound here together
Working all hours whatever the weather,
They have lived all their lives for sin and for self.
The wrecks of these lives are left on the shelf.

Mending these wrecks, we never could do,
Yet God through His Son can make them anew.
Satan’s control is in so many places.
Sin leaves its scars on their unhappy faces.

We must shine in the darkness while there is time
For Christ could return while I’m writing this rhyme.
Do others see Jesus now living in me?
Or am I just tossing adrift on life’s sea?

Bible study, evangelism---important we say,
But what if our life style is stubble and hay?
Yes, my dear Savior, I want to be used
To help these dear people by Satan abused.

The men who are machos, at least so it seems,
Are running from God with all of their schemes.
Some who have wives- number one, two and three
Are finding that’s not what it’s cracked up to be.

The men who are saying “Stay out of my life.”
As to spiritual matters, “Please talk to my wife.”
In Christ they could find what they’re searching for,
For life may end soon, don’t close your heart’s door.

Rolland R. Smith about life in Mexico City

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Power of Three Minutes

The Power of Three Minutes

By Beth Gross

I was floored by the deep issues that surfaced in three minutes . . .

During the third week of April, Jonathan Edwards led a group of Questers in pursuit of better listening skills. He taught the principles of listening skills, demonstrated with a brave volunteer and then set us loose in groups of three to practice them. In every group, each Quester had 3 (or 4) minutes to share while another Quester practiced the listening skills and a third evaluated. I was floored by the deep issues that surfaced in three minutes.

It made me wonder why we don't see more of that kind of sharing in our casual conversations. Maybe some of it can be attributed to the urgency of the time limit or the preparation of the participants.

But, I think some things we learned about active listening are transferable to everyday interactions.

1. Freedom to choose. Our group found if we left the field wide open, others were more likely to share below the surface. Instead of greeting someone with "How's the wife and kids?" we could say "What's on your mind?"

2. Be quiet. Too often in conversations, someone's sharing triggers the memory of an experience or story. When it's our turn to speak, we jump in with our two cents, the conversation takes a turn and the opportunity to hear someone's heart is missed. Instead, we could recap what they have said, ask for more information or ask about the emotions involved.

3. Avoid advice and solutions. Sometimes a person's greatest need is just to be heard. Resisting the urge to "be a fixer" allows another the chance to continue telling his story. Affirming the difficulty of a struggle and the emotions involved can in itself bring healing. At that point, the story-teller might be ready to look for solutions.

A lot can happen in three minutes. Let's listen for it.

After attending the Quest conference in April, Beth Gross who serves in Puebla, MEXICO wrote the above article

Making Tule in Honduras

Thanks to John, Nancy, and Andrew Mckeeth for this fine look at basket weaving. The McKeeths serve in San Pedro, Sula; HONDURAS.